Cleaning the aquarium


Errr…maybe not this big

I was thinking about a home aquarium.

Although we can’t pet them or scratch behind their ears we become very attached to those little multi-colored critters.

So here are a few tips on how to care for their home. If you have an aquarium big or small start by turning off anything electrical and removing all the bottom toys and decorations. When removing any plants and while still in the water shake them well to make sure one of the little critters is not hiding in them. Clean the plants in the sink and rinse well. Siphon out a few inches of water. Now using an algae pad clear of chemicals scrub down to and under the gravel line. Remove the filter and rinse, clean, and replace if necessary. At this point siphon out about 30% of the water leaving enough so as not to change the environment too drastically. Use the siphon hose to clean under the gravel on the bottom and refill the tank with water. If you use regular house water let it sit for at least overnight to let any chlorine and such dissipate. Replace all the decorations, clean the outside of the tank, and say hello to your little friends. For additional tips on cleaning almost anything call Clean World Maintenance toll free 800-643-5850 or visit our website at


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